Ride Share Driver Insurance

(843) 974-5150

Specialized Insurance Coverage for Ride Share Drivers

Ride Share Driver Insurance is designed to offer specialized coverage at competitive rates to personal automobile drivers that are using a vehicle for ride-sharing services like Lyft or Uber.

You may retain different levels of coverage depending on whether you are actively using the app with no fare, driving with fare in your vehicle or using your vehicle for personal use.

If you’re transporting and picking up and passengers for a fee, talk to us about ride sharing insurance (rideshare insurance).

Ride Share Driver - Insurance - Charleston SC

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular in South Carolina, providing a convenient and affordable transportation option for many people. However, drivers who use their personal vehicles for ridesharing are not always fully covered by their personal auto insurance policies. This gap in coverage can leave them vulnerable to financial loss in the event of an accident or injury while driving for a rideshare company. That’s why it’s important for rideshare drivers in South Carolina to obtain rideshare insurance. Rideshare insurance can provide additional liability coverage that fills in the gaps left by personal auto insurance policies, helping to protect drivers and their passengers in the event of an accident or injury.